Saturday, July 21, 2018

Personel Linkin Park Kenang Satu Tahun Kematian Chester Bennington

Personel Linkin Park Kenang Satu Tahun Kematian Chester Bennington


Vokalis Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, memuaskan penggemarnya dalam konser tur dunia Linkin Park yang bertajuk A Thousand Suns : World Tour 2011, di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno, Rabu (21/9/2011). Dalam konser tersebut Linkin Park membawakan lagu lagu hitsnya seperti Crawling, In the End, Numb, Somewhere I Belong, dan What I ve Done. (TRIBUNNEWS/DANY PERMANA)

Laporan Wartawan, Ria Anatasia

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Satu tahun berlalu sejak kematian Chester Bennington, vokalis Linkin Park, pada 20 Juli 2017.

Personel Linkin Parn lainnya, yakni Mike Shinoda, Joe Hahn, Dave Farrell, Rob Bourdon, and Brad Delson menulis sebuah surat untuk 'saudara' tercinta mereka yang meninggal akibat bunuh diri itu.

Linkin Part memposting foto hitam putih yang memuat sosok Chester sedang bernyanyi di tengah penggemarnya, Jumat (20/7/2018).

To our brother Chester, It has been a year since your passing—a surreal rotation of grief, heartbreak, refusal, and recognition.  And yet it sill feels like you are close by, surrounding us with your memory and your light.  Your one-of-a-kind spirit has authored an indelible imprint on our hearts—our jokes, our joy, and our tenderness. Eternally grateful for the love, life, and creative passion you shared with us and the world.  We miss you more than words can express. Love, M, J, D, R, B #MakeChesterProud #320ChangesDirection In case you or someone you know needs support, here are some resources: Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK _

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